To travel cheaply or free of charge, you need to know what is expensive. When you have a very small budget, see almost no money but you still want to travel, you think that living an adventure around the world is not within your reach, that it will take years before it can happen... and yet, if it is possible! To travel cheaply, you still have to know what costs money on a trip of several months or a round the world trip!  This makes it possible to find the right tips for these areas of expenditure to reduce them as much as possible, or even to remove them! What you may find here is clearly what costs the most in terms of travel in order of importance.

Free hosting

1. Accommodations

Like it or not, sleeping is something we have to do almost every day. So we need a place to sleep. Even 10€, if you multiply it by 365 days, it's immediately 3 650€! So you have to be careful with this daily expense.

2. Transportation

And yes, on a trip, the more often you travel, the more expensive it is. We will spend much less money spending a week in a paradisiacal place to enjoy and discover the surroundings, than visiting 3 or 4 different places.

Free Filipino activity

3. Activities / Leisure / Memories

Obviously, the more activities you do (treks, excursions, dives, etc...) and buy knick-knacks and souvenirs, the faster the budget will take a hit! But we must not deprive ourselves of these kinds of things, we must just do them according to the budget we have and know how to moderate ourselves when necessary.

Tips for travelling and sleeping for free

Now that you know what's expensive, here are my tips on how to reduce considerably or even travel for free!


Auto stop free transport Contrary to popular belief, it is no more dangerous than in France.  And it also allows you to make extraordinary and unexpected encounters. You just don't do it where the locals don't recommend it.


Couchsurfing Couchsurfing is a platform that connects travellers with people who are willing to welcome them for free to sleep on their couch (or even a guest room sometimes). So the principle is simple: you send requests a few days in advance to people, and if one of them says yes (which happens almost all the time), you can stay at her place for free. He is then welcome:
  • to exchange with his host about his culture, his travels
  • prepare a local dish
  • shop
  • offer a little something in return or a service
Big cities are often expensive, anonymous and with so many things to see and do that we often end up in tourist areas. By going couchsurfing, you can save a night a little more expensive than the average, but also and especially to have a local guide who will take you or at least show you HIS good addresses, HIS vision of the city that another tourist will never have!